The power of the peanut – which is actually not a nut at all
Peanuts are actually legumes, like lentils and beans, with the difference that you can eat them raw.
Peanuts originally come from South America. Today they are mainly grown in China, Africa and the USA. By the way, you can cultivate it as a potted plant here.
Peanuts are a great source of valuable unsaturated fatty acids (approx. 50%), protein (approx. 25%) and a wide variety of minerals and vitamins such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, folic acid, vitamin B1 and B3. Peanuts contain a lot of the amino acid tryptophan, which is essential for life and has a calming and relaxing effect.
Due to the high fat content, the peanut is a real calorie bomb. It is therefore important that it is always enjoyed in moderation, and it should also be as unprocessed as possible (neither salted nor roasted!). Rule of thumb for consumption: A handful of nuts a the way, 100g of peanuts provide more energy than a bar of chocolate!
Caution: Peanuts have a very high allergic potential due to the large number of proteins!
In TCM, the peanut is recommended for:
dry skin / mucous membrane and dry eyes
weak center / weight loss / indigestion
dry cough / dry lungs e.g. due to heating air
Blood deficiency and lack of milk production
From the TCM point of view, please reduce the consumption of nuts if you have the following symptoms: oedema, obesity, diarrhea, fungal diseases, cysts and increased formation of mucus (e.g. mucous in the lungs and sinuses). The power of the peanut – which is actually not a nut at all