The massage is one of the most natural and gentle healing methods, because it is innate to a certain extent.
Effects of massages:
release of tension
stimulation of the blood flow
Effect on the lymphatic system
Activation of cell renewal
Prevention of muscle and tendon injuries
stimulating the reflex zones
Stimulating or calming energy centers
removal of blockages
There are many different types of massage.In principle, every form of massage is suitable for exerting a variety of positive effects on the human organism.
Tip: As you begin to learn the language of your hands, develop empathy, and cultivate the use of healing energy, every "treatment" you perform will have a therapeutic effect - even if you're not a professional therapist!
If a person feels pain, they will instinctively place their hands on the painful area – for example rubbing their knees, placing their palms on their foreheads or gently stroking their stomachs.This type of "self-healing" can already be observed in children.The massage is a "treatment" in the truest sense of the word, because it uses the healing power of the hands.
Massage is actually ancient.The healing power of the hands has been used since ancient times.Hands can comfort, they can show a person that you love them, and last but not least they can transfer life energy and give new strength.Due to this phenomenon, very different massage techniques have developed over time.