Mudras are powerful hand gestures that are said to have health benefits.Translated from Sanskrit, mudra means “that which brings joy”.Mudras are gentle finger exercises with great effects.A special position of the fingers improves the flow of energy in the body and connects the energy pathways.The Gyan or Chin Mudra is the best known and one of the most important mudras in yoga.
The tips of the index finger and the thumb are brought together and the two fingers form a closed circuit in this way.This creates a connection that allows the energy to flow back into the body instead of out.This exercise particularly strengthens concentration.
Position of the hands and effect:
The thumb touches the tip of the index finger.Effect: Opens the root chakra and brings more energy to the legs and lower body.
The thumb touches the tip of the middle ring finger.Effect: Promotes patience.
The thumb touches the tip of the ring finger.Effect: stability, security and energy.
The thumb touches the tip of the little finger.Effect: feeling and intuition.
Application: Ideally, the mudras are held for at least 15 minutes.The best way to do this is to sit in a lotus or cross-legged position and put your hands on your knees.The Gian Mudra.