Liver wraps – fit for spring
When using a liver wrap, the warmth and moisture dilate the blood vessels, making it easier for the bile to drain and accelerating the detoxification process. The application of the liver wrap also relaxes the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for many regeneration processes in the body.t.
Fold a towel several times, dip in hot water (not boiling) alternatively yarrow tea (cover and leave 2 tablespoons of yarrow in 500ml of water for 10 minutes), wring it out well and place it under the right rib cage with the additional support of a hot water bottle, the warming effect can be extended the whole thing is covered with a dry cloth and removed again in about 30 minutes IMPORTANT is the period of rest afterwards!
Important: If the wrap feels uncomfortable, please remove it immediately! In the case of illnesses or uncertainties, the application should be clarified with the doctor beforehand.
Tip: Anyone who regularly wakes up between 1 and 3 a.m. should definitely try a liver wrap. Anyone who often doesn't get any sleep at this time has probably put too much strain on their liver. Our detoxification organ works at full speed during this time and when it is overloaded, insomnia and possibly nightmares occur.Liver wraps – fit for spring