Leading Spa Award 2022 Styria: Spa Hotel Erzherzog Johann
Over 38,000 votes voted the Hotel Erzherzog Johann the most popular wellness hotel in Styria and awarded its coherent concept the LEADING SPA AWARD STYRIA 2022.
In 2022, the best wellness hotel in the federal state was awarded the LEADING SPA AWARD for the 12th time.The Hotel Erzherzog Johann was able to impress with its first-class hospitality philosophy and win the award.The special thing about the LEADING SPA AWARD: In addition to the wellness offer, feel-good factors such as the gastronomy, the furnishings and all around are also evaluated.More than 38,300 guest opinions are evaluated in detail for an independent, fair evaluation.In 2022, the votes resulted in 16 award winners in Austria, Germany and Italy.
The Hotel Erzherzog Johann is located in the promising spa and vitality town of Bad Aussee in the Salzkammergut and combines everything you need to be completely happy.The rooms smell of stone pine, gourmet menus are served in the Johann Restaurant and the view from the Sky Spa jumps over the roofs of Aussee.In the Johann Spa, the fire crackles in the fireplace and in between, the senses are carried away by the Almyurveda treatments.The recreation paradise extends over two floors and 1,000 square meters.Wellness & harmony at the highest level - the guests are also convinced of this and so the Hotel Erzherzog Johann can boast of the LEADING SPA AWARD STEIERMARK 2022 and join the list of the most popular wellness hotels in Austria.