The acid-base balance of our body is made up of various regulatory mechanisms and buffer systems to ensure that the body can regulate pH fluctuations.
Malnutrition, insufficient chewing, too much of the wrong thing, too little of the right thing, stress, anger, fear, too little exercise, disturbances in the intestinal flora, flatulence, illness, etc. can lead to the body no longer being able to compensate for the fluctuations itself and acidification can occur.
I can express this hyperacidity by:
muscle tension
sleep disorders
lack of zest for life
learning and memory disorders
constipation / diarrhea
Irritability and lack of resilience
Gland and organ dysfunction
A doctor usually determines the acid-base balance via the pH value of the blood. If the pH value measured is too low, this is referred to as acidification. The acid-base balance is often determined with urine test strips (available in pharmacies), especially as part of detoxification cures and so-called base fasting. Restoring the acid-base balance can be a decisive step towards health and vitality and ultimately towards more joie de vivre.
Important: Hyperacidity (acidosis) is diagnosed exclusively by evaluating blood values!!
Tip: With the help of food tables, the effect of nutrition on the acid-base balance can be assessed.