Herb tips for spring
Watercress is the pioneer of spring herbs. Grows wild at open wells - hence the name -, at water points in meadows and forests. The fresh, young, washed leaves without flowers and roots are used. Cress is a valuable remedy for glandular and head diseases. The press juice cures are easy to carry out at any time. In the morning, at noon and in the evening, take 1 pint full of the 5-fold diluted juice.
The dandelion strengthens individual organs of our body and stimulates them to greater activity. It is considered to purify the blood and builds up the juices. Its effect extends over the entire upper abdomen, affecting the digestive and excretory organs: stomach, liver, spleen, gallbladder, pancreas and kidneys. Finally, dandelion is an excellent remedy for chronic skin diseases.
Dandelion juice is made from fresh roots and leaves. Branded goods are more reliable here than homemade juice. Take 3 tablespoons daily, divided 1 before meals, with a little water. Activates the liver and pancreas in particular and is considered an excellent blood cleanser.
Daisy salad tastes pleasantly nutty, refreshing and cooling. Has a detoxifying, diuretic, anti-inflammatory and stool-promoting effect at the same time. Also exerts a beneficial influence on liver diseases. The great value of the plant for spring blood purification lies in eating it raw.For earache, the roof houseleek has proven itself. Squeeze out a few crushed leaves, warm up the juice and drip into your ear tolerably warm. Perform twice a day.
The nettle is one of the most versatile medicinal herbs. Prepared fresh in water overnight, strained in the morning and used to wash hands, feet or the whole body, gives an excellent skin irritation.