Barley water is a mix of natural barley boiled in water. Already in ancient times weak and sick people were treated with it.
The production is very simple:
100 g natural barley (organic quality)
Simmer the barley in 2 liters of water for about 2 hours. The lid should be slightly open.
Then strain and divide the remaining liquid (approx. 1 liter) over three days and store in the refrigerator
Drink a glass of it every morning
Effect of barley water:
A power drink and has a positive effect on skin, hair and concentration
Basic and high in insoluble fiber, which is important for a healthy digestive system
Activates the metabolism, makes you feel full and helps you lose weight
Can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and reduce the risk of diabetes
Has a cooling effect on the body and is therefore an ideal summer drink
Also recommended for fever, it cools the organism and strengthens it at the same time
Tip: Depending on your taste, the barley water can be refined with lemon, cinnamon, ginger, vanilla, cloves, raisins, etc. It can be drunk both warm and cold. Hildegard von Bingen, for example, used barley water for asthmatic conditions and bronchial diseases.